Bekenu trip

Daddy brought us to Bekenu today. ( Somewhere in Subis... ) We bought fruits and yadda yadda. Cakies and tarts. After we went 'hunting' for food, we sat in this small shade. And there's this cat! It was something like this...

Then we went back home. Car ride for few stinkin' hours. I was playing rubik's cube and sight see the whole way for the first time in my life. Normally I'd just sleep. I text messaged my friends when I found connection to my phone but they we're all busy. Damn. Then, I tried to fix my PS2 but obviously.... :D ..... I failed. And do you know why? No, not because I'm noob or I suck, it's because I lost the plug. How... bah.

Lastly, the best thing that happened today. Introducing...


Inspector Clouseau. Funny, simply charming. XD ( Recommended. )
He solved the case once again.
I mean...

-- Try saying 'haemboorgAr' or 'hambiargaer' without looking stupid. --


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