
As you all know, school is starting next week.
As a student, we know that this is bull crap.
As a student, I tend to slack.
As a student, we have to obey suckish rules.
As a student, I want to get a laptop for myself! ( idk )
As a student, I don't miss school.
As a kid, I do miss my friends.
As a student, I don't miss my teachers.
As a good student, I still find homework fugly.
As a bad student, ties down and long fringes ROCK.
As a bad student, doing homework last minute suck.
As a normal wannabe, I just wanna be myself.
As a normal teen, I don't give a damn about obnoxious dudes.
As a normal teen, I hate PIMPLES and WRINKLES and STRESS.
( followed by tests, quiz, and those bad people o.o )
As a tomboyish girl, I tend to make myself look dumb.
As a girly girl, I tend to become OVER girlish.
As a girly girl, I still hate obnoxious dudes.
As a blogger, I'm kinda lazy when it comes to being online.

Does it all link? Not much right? You know why? IDK. Tell me the answer when you DO find out.'s a secret...

Kueh Tiaw

Bee Hoon

As you all can mysterious title says it all and those two pictures of food above isn't to promote, it's the main reason I wrote this post. Well, 'cause today when daddy got home, he was famished. And he took the 'grocery shopping' excuse to escape from the cell ( the house.. ). So i followed him and we ended up in a cafe. We weren't suppose to eat before dinner, which my mom was preparing before we sneaked off, so we decided to keep it a secret.

Who knew when we came back from grocery shopping, we sat at the dinner table, mocking each other by using kueh tiaw and bee hoon. ( That's exactly what we ate ;D ) In the end the secret came out also...

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Our bickering:

Daddy: Idk. Someone happened to be on diet today, eating less than usual...

Me: Well, I was just full from eating Cottage Fries.

Daddy: Are you sure that's all you ate? Maybe a bit of chocolates or...BEE HOON

Me: *smiles* ( damn, how can I get my way out of this? ) Of course not. This just so happened
that my friend took her dinner right on cue, KUEH TIAW w SOUP!!!

Mom: Oh, is that so? Who's your friend then? Wow...

Me: *smiles again* ( double crap, maybe I'll just fib this once... ) Mom, that was some delicious cooking. What did they call this again? Sweet Potato leaves right? *damndamndamn*

Daddy: Uh oh...I think you should eat more since you didn't eat anything...


Me: Excuse me, I think I'm done...

In the end, while walking in the park, the beans we're not spilled...poured.

Save the planet!

Had breakfast and my parents brought me to register this and thats. It's soooo boring but then again, just to please them. ;D Regardless of what happened between those times, something inspired me to make this post. I saw a few workers in front of the house burning rubbish. OMG, how can you open air burn in such a beautiful greeny environment. Curse you, dude.

Then I was thinking about how pity those animals in the forest. :'(

Bekenu trip

Daddy brought us to Bekenu today. ( Somewhere in Subis... ) We bought fruits and yadda yadda. Cakies and tarts. After we went 'hunting' for food, we sat in this small shade. And there's this cat! It was something like this...

Then we went back home. Car ride for few stinkin' hours. I was playing rubik's cube and sight see the whole way for the first time in my life. Normally I'd just sleep. I text messaged my friends when I found connection to my phone but they we're all busy. Damn. Then, I tried to fix my PS2 but obviously.... :D ..... I failed. And do you know why? No, not because I'm noob or I suck, it's because I lost the plug. How... bah.

Lastly, the best thing that happened today. Introducing...


Inspector Clouseau. Funny, simply charming. XD ( Recommended. )
He solved the case once again.
I mean...

-- Try saying 'haemboorgAr' or 'hambiargaer' without looking stupid. --

Honey Oatmeal Cookies

Went to Justine's house today. Awesome. So I think Keira finds me boring. He, I mean she, didn't bark at me. XD Anyways, we baked cookies today. This time, it's less fat and healthy. It tastes good and it's actually healthy. ( Yea, I was like OMG. ) Sadly, none of us took a picture of it. Both of Mel and Justine didn't bother to post this in their blogs so I got influenced by them and now I'm gonna end this post right here. ;D